Doric column
David Pittman
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Doric column


Grimoire image

Quick facts:
Development time: 6 months
Engine: Source
Team size: 15 (5 programmers)
Role: Lead Programmer

Grimoire is a spell-based fighting game for two players in development at The Guildhall at SMU. As the faculty-selected lead programmer of a 5-person programming team, I have thus far been responsible for scheduling and documentation, as well as implementing various gameplay systems.

My first responsibility was programming a new camera system. During a match, the camera is a third-person view which faces into the vignette-style map and keeps both wizards on the screen at all times. Other uses for the camera included introduction and victory sequences. Because of the range of possible behaviors, I chose to implement the camera using the Strategy design pattern. This way, game events can swap between camera behaviors on the fly, and the code is not subject to messy state handling.

I also implemented some of the many magic spells and contributed to the spell manager, a server-side entity which maintains the state of the player with regard to spell casting and delegates functionality to the individual spell classes.

As lead programmer, I wrote technical documentation, defined programming team milestones, assigned individual tasks, and tracked the progress of the code.

Technical Design Document: DOC 303 KB

Grimoire image Grimoire image